Krishna Rose с Nimai Caitanya Das.

13 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: One year, Gurudeva visited us in Maui, Hawaii. After a few days he said "I want to go and see my whales". So we took him to the ocean and hired a boat, about 20 devotee's (including me) went on the boat and sat around Gurudeva as he spoke to people so sweetly and personally. Then he asked us to sing Hare Krishna for 'his' whales. So we did. Then we saw one mother and baby whale come pretty close. He had us chant even louder. He said "now you are all on my boat, and we are crossing over the ocean of nescience. I am taking all of you with me". Then he paused. He said " see those people standing on the dock so far away, even though they don't see me, I see them, and I have put them in my pocket and will take them with me also".

This was Gurudeva's vision, that wherever he saw any life, he was thinking like this, how to help, how to liberate from suffering, from reincarnation, such was his mercy!

One week after Gurudeva left Maui, NASA put SONAR in the ocean and 500 whales beached dead from hemorrhaged brains. Gurudeva could see everything past present and future.

Syamarani told us that year "Gurudeva has the power to create and destroy universes with his glance".

Wow! Gurudeva you are so beautiful and so powerful, I am forever amazed at your kindness upon us all. I am forever yours to do with as you please.

Krishna Rose

11 августа 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: I feel so fortunate to have been part of the formative years of Gurudeva's preaching programs in the West. Gurudeva gave us everything inside the core of our hearts, he planted so many treasures for us and it is our duty to dive inside and search them out one by one with a "do or die" mentality, "I will do it, or I will die!"... this is Guru Nistha (faith). If we do not do this, Gurudeva promised "I will follow you to hell life time after lifetime to bring you Home". Such is his love and compassion for us, it is so much more than we can imagine! Now in his physical absence we are left with a plethora of memories to 'chew' on when we chant and do Bhajan. When we don't think of him, we are thinking we are here to find happiness in the material world, which ultimately ends in frustration. It is always Gurudeva who reminds me, by hook or by crook, to come back, and to again search out for those treasures with strength. He would always say to me "be strong like me!". This is his order to us all.


Anjali Dasi Where did you first meet Srila Gurudeva?
Last night I watched a video of Vraj Mandala parikrama in 1997.
I met him about 2 weeks after that day.
In the video there were no other sannyasis except Srila Gurudeva and Srila Trivikram Maharaja and almost all Katha was English and almost all devotees were Western.
I did parikrama in 1998 but I remember for years we had Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti with us, so I wonder why they weren't there in 1997

Нравится · Ответить · 11 августа 2016 г. в 18:00 · Отредактирован

Krishna Rose In Mathura 1995

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 18:10

Haripriya Dasi How fortunate. I didn't meet him until 1999

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 20:43

Anjali Dasi And each of us have a story of "How I met Srila Gurudeva" that I'm sure we all like to hear but still I'm always too shy to speak it when we gather for glorifications 😞
Has anyone made a book of such stories?
Or a Facebook group 😉?

Не нравится · Ответить · 4 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 20:49

Haripriya Dasi Good idea Anjali Dasi

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 21:00

Krishna Rose Anjali Dasi No but it's a great idea!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 21:27


Krishna Rose

10 августа 2016 г. ·

Memories of Gurudeva: One morning in Maui, Gurudeva took a walk on the beach with my a small group of men. My husband Radha Vallabha (Robin Wing) was with him. Gurudeva was walking briskly and then stopped and turned to my husband and said "you have no idea how low I have to come to even talk to you. Right now you see an old man walking on the beach, but really I in this moment walking with Srimati Radhika".


Lalit Kishore Lauren Sinclair Sorry who's walking with Radhika? Gurudeva?

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 2:56

Krishna Rose Yes Gurudeva said "I am walking with Srimati Radhika right now".

Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 11 августа 2016 г. в 5:16


Haripriya Dasi That reminds me of a darshan in Sydney. I was in the process of painting Radha and a Sakhi for Brihat Bhagavatamrta and I had spoken to him about different things about this painting over a year. Quite a few times I had asked who the Sakhi was and other questions. Regarding the Sakhi this particular darshan I was holding up the painting and asking, ’I would like to know who this Sakhi is with Radha so I can meditate on her when I am painting her", he looked carefully at the painting and after some time he looked at me and said. "I have to ask Radha, but at the moment she is not talking to me so I will have to ask again another time".

Не нравится · Ответить · 5 · 14 августа 2016 г. в 0:22

Lalita Sakhi Wow! Thankyou for sharing this story!!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 14 августа 2016 г. в 1:29


Krishna Rose

9 августа 2016 г. ·

Memories of Gurudeva: One time Gurudeva and I were discussing Jesus, and how he raised people from the dead. Gurudeva then told me "one day I was taking my morning walk, here in Mathura, and on one road I saw a crowd of ladies standing weeping and wailing around a young boy's body. I walked towards them, and one of the ladies came to me, and begged me "Oh Maharaja, please help, our son has died". I went and saw the boy was dead, had been dead for a while. I whispered Kama-Gayatri in his ear, and the boy came back to life~!" Smiling at me, he said, "I did this to show the power of Gayatri mantra". Later I found out, that Gurudeva had performed this miracle on a couple of other occasions in his lifetime. These are the same mantra's our Gurudeva gave to us, at time of Diksha, and these mantra's are saving us, we should chant them daily, with all focus, eyes closed, slowly and with intent, knowing word for word the meanings as a meditation.... for The Kingdom is within this group of mantra's he gave. If it can bring someone back to life, then how too can it affect us, in rising us from our sleep?



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