They (get) new equipment


1. last week;

2. before making an experiment today;

3. now;

4. every day;

5. by 6 о' clock tomorrow.

Образец выполнения:

They (make) cars at the plant.


2. last month

1. They have already made cars at the plant.

2. They made cars at the plant last month.


Задание 2. Не переводя всего предложения, употребите английский глагол в нужной форме:


1.К концу года мы уже выучим 1200 английских слов (learn). 2. Студенты делали пометки в тетрадях, когда профессор читал лекцию вчера (give). 3. Учёный – металлург П.П.Аносов заново открыл секрет «булатной» стали в 1841г. (rediscover) 4. Они побывали на экскурсии в цехе неделю тому назад, прежде чем изучать эту тему (be). 5. Учебный год у них начинается в октябре. (begin)

Образец выполнения:

1. Каждый час радио передает ( broadcast) новости. – broadcasts.


Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная их словами в скобках.


1. Alex is a first-year student at the Moscow Institute of.Steel and Alloys because metallurgy is his family profession. (Why) 2. Yesterday my fellow student got to the Institute by taxi. (How) 3. They will have been reading English books to prepare for a test next lesson. (What kind of…) 4. Usually she keeps regular hours. (What) 5. His elder brother graduated from the University 3 years ago. (When)

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за гра-ницей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, don’t they?

Задание 4. Задайте разделительные вопросы:


1. Students' Scientific Society holds discussions and organizes conferences. 2. Alex' s sister and her husband got their degrees in Physical Metallurgy some years ago. 3. Olga is not discussing many interesting problems at the seminar at this moment. 4. Scientists have been developing a new alloy for several months already. 5. My sister and I get to the Institute by bus.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, do not they?

Задание 5. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему:


1. First-year students have been working hard for the whole term to pass exams successfully. 2. A small microscope and several test-tubes are necessary for this experiment. 3. I am writing a report in Physics now. 4. The tutors do much work with the students. 5. We shall join the plant’s research laboratory next year.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – Who travels abroad every autumn?

Задание 6. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме:


1.There are a lot of English classes in our curriculum. 2. The teacher always comes to class late. 3. Students made only few mistakes at the last lesson. 4. We have seen the film about London three times. 5. We were preparing for a seminar at that time last Sunday.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – His friends do not travel abroad every autumn.


Задание 7. Переведите текст в письменной форме:

Barber-Colman 2013T and 2516T

Varying only in their capacity - a swing of 21 inches (13" over the cross slide) for the 2013T and 25 inches (16" over the cross slide) for the 2516T - both lathes were of identical mechanical construction and intended for serious, commercial work. In addition to a massive bed of great depth and width, the general specification was impressive. No fewer that 36 spindle speeds were available that could be ordered on a new machine as 9 to 1000 r.p.m; 13 to 1500 r.p.m or 18 to 2000 r.p.m on the 2013T - and with a choice between the two slower ranges on the 2516T.

A choice of motors was also offered, the customer being able to select either a 10 or 15 h.p. unit for general work, or 20 h.p. if the lathe was going to tackle work of the heaviest kind. The headstock was very robust, with the 2-inch bore spindle running in high-class, super-precision bearings and fitted with either a D1-6" Camlock or L1 taper nose to the customer's choice. Simple rotary controls on the face of the headstock were used to select the spindle speeds and automatic pressure lubrication was provided for the hardened and ground gears.

Completely enclosed against the ingress of dirt and chippings, the screwcutting and feeds gearbox offered 66 pitches (from 2 to 120 t.p.i.) and 66 feeds (0.0015" to 0.091") - the latter able to be disengaged on the longitudinal feed by automatic, pre-set micrometer-equipped stops.

To assist with screwcutting a built-in thread-dial indicator was standard and the hardened and ground cross-feed screw was equipped with a ball-type thread-chasing stop. In anticipation of much production work involving threads, the leadscrew clasp nuts were fed automatically with a supply of oil.




Задание 1. Измените глагол в предложениях в зависимости от обстоятельств:

I (buy) a book.


1. right now;

2. two days ago;

3. before you took it from me yesterday;

4. for an hour;

5. as a rule

Образец выполнения:


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