Workers (make) experiments


1. every month;

2. next year;

3. for an hour already;

4. just. Come and have a look at the results.

5. now. They are very busy.

Образец выполнения:

They (make) cars at the plant.


2. last month

1. They have already made cars at the plant.

2. They made cars at the plant last month.


Задание 2. Не переводя всего предложения, употребите английский глагол в нужной форме:


1. Исследование нового образца металла заняло у нее вчера 2 часа. (take) 2. Лаборанты оборудовали лабораторию к следующему эксперименту до прибытия легирующих добавок для проведения испытаний. (equip) 3. Рабочие цеха выпустят запланированное количество продукции до 30 декабря. (produce) 4. Специалисты сейчас готовят шихту к загрузке. (prepare) 5. Листопрокатный цех реконструируется уже в течение двух месяцев. (reconstruct)


Образец выполнения:

1. Каждый час радио передает ( broadcast) новости. – broadcasts.

Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная их словами в скобках:


1. Alех's fellow students will pass all their exams in February. (What) 2. First-year students usually take compulsory subjects. (What kind of) 3. Graduates have just defended their diploma papers before the Examination Board. (What) 4. She speaks several foreign languages fluently. (How) 5. Olga is preparing for her exams in the reading room. (Where)


Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за гра-ницей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, don’t they?

Задание 4. Задайте разделительные вопросы:


1. Students do not take entrance exams to universities in the United Kingdom. 2. Their library occupied two storeys many years ago. 3. The fundamentals are: physics, chemistry, maths, history, mechanical drawing. 4. My fellow – student and I will take physics in the second year. 5. Olga has been reading her lectures for 2 hours.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, do not they?

Задание 5. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему:


1. These test-tubes are made of glass, 2. Some British students have a scientific adviser to help with the studies. 3. American businessmen visit a number of shops at the steel-making plant annually. 4. We were in London a year ago. 5. I shall have been listening to lectures for the whole term.


Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – Who travels abroad every autumn?


Задание 6. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме:


1. He collects the paintings of old masters. 2. His fellow-student passed all the exams in time. 3. There was a very interesting lecture last Sunday. 4. They will spend two months in America. 5. I am reading an article in the newspaper now.


Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – His friends do not travel abroad every autumn.

Задание 7. Переведите текст в письменной форме:

Ames Lathes - U.S.A.

When Bliss Charles Ames opened his machine-tool works on Ash Street in Waltham, Ma. in the late 1890s, he was joining an exclusive club of manufacturers* who, though they produced relatively few machines, made a significant contribution to improving the standards of quality and precision employed in American manufacturing industry. Amongst Ames's fellow high-class machine-tool makers* in Waltham were Stark, the American Watch Tool Company, The Waltham Machine Works, Wade and F. W. Derbyshire.

Ames quickly became well-known (as the B.C. Ames Co.) for a range of very accurate machine tools and precision measuring equipment; they did not produce a huge number of machines - not only was the specialised marked for precision bench lathes and millers relatively small but competition fierce.

In the early 1920 an average of just one hundred No. 3 lathes were being produced each year, a number that fell to a low of only two or thee at the height of the depression in the early 1930s; sales picked up to nearly fifty a year during the middle to late 1930s followed by an explosion in growth during the years of World War 2 when, if the serial numbers are to be believed, as many as 806 left the factory between 1942 and 1943. The entire range of No. 3 and EH3 Bench Lathes, Bench Millers, Slotters and Shapers were all made until 1957, when production of the lathes only appears to have been continued using dual Stark and Ames branding - the catalogs from that point on (if not the lathes) carrying the names of both companies.

Today the Ames brand name lives on in the precision engineering field being used on high-quality measuring and inspection equipment.

Вариант №3

Задание 1. Измените глагол в предложениях в зависимости от обстоятельств:


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