The students (take) exams in History


1. in the reading-room yesterday;

2. every academic year;

3. by the end of March;

4. since morning;

5. at that time last month.

Образец выполнения:

They (make) cars at the plant.


2. last month

1. They have already made cars at the plant.

2. They made cars at the plant last month.


Задание 2. Не переводя всего предложения, употребите английский глагол в нужной форме:


1. Многие рабочие-исследователи приняли (take) участие в научной конференции два дня тому назад. 2. Ольга сейчас не готовится к экзаменам, она разговаривает (speak) по телефону. 3. Вчера в это время мой студент-сокурсник усердно работал (work) над начертательной геометрией. 4. Листопрокатный цех №1 в этом месяце выпустил(produce) продукции больше, чем в прошлом. 5. Рабочие оборудуют (equip) лабораторию к новому эксперименту к следующей неделе.

Образец выполнения:

1. Каждый час радио передает ( broadcast) новости. – broadcasts.

Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, начиная их словами в скобках:


1. Many boys and girls from other towns and villages live in hall in Moscow. (Where) 2. First-year students were drawing schemes at that time last Sunday. (When) 3. Alex will have written a composition in Russia by Wednesday. (When) 4. Students make experiments in their scientific research laboratory. (Where 5. Olga has much work to do to prepare for final exams. (Why)

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за гра-ницей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, don’t they?

2. …..

Задание 4. Задайте разделительные вопросы:


1. Metallurgy is not our family profession. 2. Their examinations showed the chemical properties of the element. 3. A first-year student will make a variety of labs in December before exams. 4. My fellow–student usually has breakfast at the Institute. 5. There is little time before the terminals.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за гра-ницей. – His friends travel abroad every autumn, don’t they?

Задание 5. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему:


1. Mr. White and Prof. Petrov are talking about the opening meeting of the scientific conference now. 2. Lately first-year students have spoken about winter exams. 3. We shall become graduates in 5 years. 4. I usually go hiking during my summer vacations. 5. They are in London now.

Образец выполнения:

1. His friends travel abroad every autumn. – Его друзья каждую осень путешествуют за границей. – Who travels abroad every autumn?

Задание 6. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме: 1. My new fellow-student has a new modern car made in Japan. 2. There were a lot of students absent from classes yesterday. 3. The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar at the last lesson. 4. The scientists’ discoveries in the exploration of outer space are very important all over the world. 5. He speaks like a man having his opinion of everything.

Задание 7. Переведите текст в письменной форме:

Metalworking generally is divided into the following categories, forming, cutting, and, joining. Each of these categories contain various processes.

Prior to most operations, the metal must be marked out and/or measured, depending on the desired finished product.

Marking out (also known as layout) is the process of transferring a design or pattern to a workpiece and is the first step in the handcraft of metalworking. It is performed in many industries or hobbies, although in the repetition industries the need to mark out every individual piece is eliminated. In the metal trades area, marking out consists of transferring the engineer's plan to the workpiece in preparation for the next step, machining or manufacture.

Calipers are hand tools designed to precisely measure the distance between two points. Most calipers have two sets of flat, perpendicular edges used for inner or outer diameter. These calipers can be accurate to within one-thousandth of an inch (25.4μm). Different types of calipers have different mechanisms for displaying the distance measured. Where larger objects need to be measured with less precision, a tape measure is often used.

Forming processes

These forming processes modify metal or workpiece by deforming the object, that is, without removing any material. Forming is done with a system of mechanical forces and, especially for bulk metal forming, with heat.

Bulk forming processes

Plastic deformation involves using heat or pressure to make a workpiece more conductive to mechanical force. Historically, this and casting were done by blacksmiths, though today the process has been industrialized. In bulk metal forming, the workpiece is generally heated up.

· Cold sizing

· Extrusion

· Drawing

· Forging

· Powder metallurgy

· Friction drilling

· Rolling

Рекомендованная литература

1. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Грамматика современного английского языка. Справочник: Киев, «Логос», 2010. – 368 с.

2. Качалова К.Н., Изралевич Е.И. практическая грамматика английского языка: Ладком, 2016, 720 с.

Приложение А


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