cunning ['kAnIN], ground [graund], fought [fLt]


"So, when there came a ship, Old Kinoos stepped forward and said he would show the way. He was an old man then, and his hair was white; but he was unafraid. And he was cunning, for he took the ship to where the sea sucks in to the land and the waves beat white on the mountain called Romanoff. The sea sucked the ship in to where the waves beat white, and it ground upon the rocks and broke open its sides. Then came all the people of Pastolik, (for this was the plan), with their war‑spears, and arrows, and some few guns. But first the Russians put out the eyes of Old Kinoos that he might never show the way again, and then they fought, where the waves beat white, with the people of Pastolik.


"Now the head‑man of these Russians was Ivan (тогда предводителем тех русских был Иван). He it was, with his two thumbs (именно он своими большими пальцами), who drove out the eyes of Kinoos (выдавил глаза Кинусу; to drive out – выбивать; вытеснять). He it was who fought his way through the white water (именно он пробился через прибой; to fight one’s way – прокладывать себе дорогу), with two men left of all his men (с двумя людьми, оставшимися от всех его матросов; men – здесь: солдаты, рядовые; матросы), and went away along the rim of the Great Fog Sea into the north (и ушел по берегу Великого Туманного Моря на север). Kinoos was wise (Кинус был мудр). He could see no more and was helpless as a child (он не мог больше видеть и был беспомощен, как ребенок). So he fled away from the sea (поэтому он убежал от моря), up the great, strange Yukon, even to Nulato (вверх по великому, необыкновенному Юкону, до самого Нулато), and I fled with him (и я убежала с ним).

"This was the deed my father did, Kinoos, an old man (это был подвиг, который совершил мой отец Кинус, старик). But how did the young man, Negore (а как поступил молодой мужчина, Негор)?"


thumb [TAm], north [nLT], even [Jvn]


"Now the head‑man of these Russians was Ivan. He it was, with his two thumbs, who drove out the eyes of Kinoos. He it was who fought his way through the white water, with two men left of all his men, and went away along the rim of the Great Fog Sea into the north. Kinoos was wise. He could see no more and was helpless as a child. So he fled away from the sea, up the great, strange Yukon, even to Nulato, and I fled with him.

"This was the deed my father did, Kinoos, an old man. But how did the young man, Negore?"


Once again she silenced him (еще раз она заставила его молчать).

"With my own eyes I saw, at Nulato (собственными глазами я видела в Нулато), before the gates of the great fort (перед воротами большого форта), and but few days gone (и всего лишь несколько дней назад). I saw the Russian, Ivan (я видела, как тот русский, Иван), who thrust out my father's eyes (который выдавил глаза моему отцу), lay the lash of his dog‑whip upon thee and beat thee like a dog (порол тебя хлыстом /и избивал/, как собаку; lash – удар хлыстом; the lash – порка; to lay the lash – пороть, сечь). This I saw, and knew thee for a coward (это я видела и сочла тебя трусом; to know – знать; узнавать; понимать). But I saw thee not, that night (но я не видела тебя той ночью), when all thy people (когда весь твой народ) – yea, even the boys not yet hunters (да, даже мальчики, еще не охотники) – fell upon the Russians and slew them all (напал на русских и убил их всех; to fall upon – нападать, атаковать; to slay – убивать)."


thrust [TrAst], yea [jeI], slew [slH]


Once again she silenced him.

"With my own eyes I saw, at Nulato, before the gates of the great fort, and but few days gone. I saw the Russian, Ivan, who thrust out my father's eyes, lay the lash of his dog‑whip upon thee and beat thee like a dog. This I saw, and knew thee for a coward. But I saw thee not, that night, when all thy people – yea, even the boys not yet hunters – fell upon the Russians and slew them all."


"Not Ivan (но не Ивана)," said Negore, quietly (сказал спокойно Негор). "Even now is he on our heels (даже сейчас он идет за нами по пятам; to be on smb.’s heels – следовать за кем‑либо по пятам), and with him many Russians fresh up from the sea (а с ним много русских, недавно прибывших с моря; fresh /up/ from – только что или недавно появившийся, прибывший с)."

Oona made no effort to hide her surprise and chagrin (Уна не пыталась скрыть свое удивление и досаду; to make an effort – сделать усилие, попытаться) that Ivan was not dead (что Иван жив: «не мертв»), but went on (но продолжала):

"In the day I saw thee a coward (днем я увидела, что ты трус); in the night, when all men fought (ночью, когда все мужчины сражались), even the boys not yet hunters (даже мальчики, еще не охотники), I saw thee not and knew thee doubly a coward (я не видела тебя и поняла, что ты трус вдвойне)."

"Thou art done (ты закончила; done – сделанный, выполненный, законченный)? All done (полностью закончила)?" Negore asked (спросил Негор).

She nodded her head and looked at him askance (она кивнула головой и посмотрела на него неодобрительно; askance – косо; неодобрительно), as though astonished that he should have aught to say (как будто пораженная тем, что ему есть еще что сказать).


chagrin ['SxgrIn], doubly ['dAblI], askance [qs'kxns]


"Not Ivan," said Negore, quietly. "Even now is he on our heels, and with him many Russians fresh up from the sea."

Oona made no effort to hide her surprise and chagrin that Ivan was not dead, but went on:

"In the day I saw thee a coward; in the night, when all men fought, even the boys not yet hunters, I saw thee not and knew thee doubly a coward."

"Thou art done? All done?" Negore asked.

She nodded her head and looked at him askance, as though astonished that he should have aught to say.


"Know then that Negore is no coward (тогда знай, что Негор не трус)," he said; and his speech was very low and quiet (и его речь была очень тихой и спокойной). "Know that when I was yet a boy (знай, что когда я был еще мальчиком) I journeyed alone down to the place (я отправился один в то место) where the Yukon drowns itself in the Great Fog Sea (где Юкон топит себя в Великом Туманном Море). Even to Pastolik I journeyed (до самого Пастолика путешествовал я), and even beyond, into the north (и даже дальше, на север), along the rim of the sea (по берегу моря). This I did when I was a boy (это я совершил, когда был мальчиком), and I was no coward (и я не был трусом). Nor was I coward when I journeyed (не был я трусом и когда путешествовал), a young man and alone (молодым мужчиной и в одиночестве), up the Yukon farther (вверх по течению Юкона дальше) than man had ever been (чем бывал когда‑либо человек), so far that I came to another folk (так далеко, что пришел к другому народу), with white faces (с белыми лицами), who live in a great fort and talk speech other than that the Russians talk (которые живут в большой крепости и говорят на языке, отличном от того, на котором говорят русские). Also have I killed the great bear of the Tanana country (я также убил огромного медведя из Тананского края), where no one of my people hath ever been (где = в котором никогда не бывал ни один человек из моего народа). And I have fought with the Nuklukyets, and the Kaltags, and the Sticks in far regions, even I (я даже воевал с нуклукетами, калтагами и стиками в дальних районах), and alone (и один). These deeds, whereof no man knows (об этих деяниях, о которых не знает никто), I speak for myself (я говорю от своего лица; to speak for – говорить за /или от лица/ кого‑либо). Let my people speak for me of things (пусть мой народ расскажет за меня о том) I have done which they know (что я сделал, что = о чем знают они). They will not say Negore is a coward (они не скажут, что Негор – трус)."


young [jAN], region ['rJGqn], whereof [weqr'Ov]


"Know then that Negore is no coward," he said; and his speech was very low and quiet. "Know that when I was yet a boy I journeyed alone down to the place where the Yukon drowns itself in the Great Fog Sea. Even to Pastolik I journeyed, and even beyond, into the north, along the rim of the sea. This I did when I was a boy, and I was no coward. Nor was I coward when I journeyed, a young man and alone, up the Yukon farther than man had ever been, so far that I came to another folk, with white faces, who live in a great fort and talk speech other than that the Russians talk. Also have I killed the great bear of the Tanana country, where no one of my people hath ever been. And I have fought with the Nuklukyets, and the Kaltags, and the Sticks in far regions, even I, and alone. These deeds, whereof no man knows, I speak for myself. Let my people speak for me of things I have done which they know. They will not say Negore is a coward."


He finished proudly (закончил он гордо), and proudly waited (и гордо ждал).

"These be things which happened (это события, которые произошли) before I came into the land (до того, как я пришла в эти земли)," she said, "and I know not of them (и я не знаю о них). Only do I know what I know (я знаю только то, что знаю), and I know I saw thee lashed like a dog in the day (а я знаю, что видела, как тебя пороли, как собаку, днем); and in the night (а ночью), when the great fort flamed red and the men killed and were killed (когда большой форт вспыхнул красным пламенем, а люди убивали, и убивали их: «были убиваемы»), I saw thee not (я тебя не видела). Also, thy people do call thee Negore, the Coward (к тому же твой народ /все‑таки/ называет тебя Негором‑трусом). It is thy name now, Negore, the Coward (таково теперь твое имя – Негор‑трус)."

"It is not a good name (это нехорошее имя)," Old Kinoos chuckled (хихикнул Старый Кинус).


proudly ['praudlI], saw [sL], chuckle [CAkl]


He finished proudly, and proudly waited.

"These be things which happened before I came into the land," she said, "and I know not of them. Only do I know what I know, and I know I saw thee lashed like a dog in the day; and in the night, when the great fort flamed red and the men killed and were killed, I saw thee not. Also, thy people do call thee Negore, the Coward. It is thy name now, Negore, the Coward."

"It is not a good name," Old Kinoos chuckled.


"Thou dost not understand, Kinoos (ты не понимаешь, Кинус)," Negore said gently (мягко сказал Негор). "But I shall make thee understand (но я тебе объясню: «заставлю понять»). Know that I was away on the hunt of the bear (знай, что я уходил на охоту на медведя; to be away – уходить, отлучиться; отсутствовать), with Kamo‑tah, my mother's son (с Камо‑тахом, сыном моей матери). And Kamo‑tah fought with a great bear (и Камо‑тах сразился с огромным медведем). We had no meat for three days (у нас не было мяса три дня), and Kamo‑tah was not strong of arm nor swift of foot (и у Камо‑таха не было силы в руках, ни быстроты в ногах). And the great bear crushed him (и огромный медведь сдавил его), so (вот так), till his bones cracked like dry sticks (пока его кости не захрустели и не треснули, как сухие палки; to crack – трещать; трескаться, растрескиваться; раскалывать/ся/). Thus I found him (таким я нашел его), very sick and groaning upon the ground (очень больным и стонущим на земле). And there was no meat (и не было мяса), nor could I kill aught that the sick man might eat (и я не мог убить ничего, что мог бы съесть больной человек).


bear [bFq], aught [Lt], groan [grqun]


"Thou dost not understand, Kinoos," Negore said gently. "But I shall make thee understand. Know that I was away on the hunt of the bear, with Kamo‑tah, my mother's son. And Kamo‑tah fought with a great bear. We had no meat for three days, and Kamo‑tah was not strong of arm nor swift of foot. And the great bear crushed him, so, till his bones cracked like dry sticks. Thus I found him, very sick and groaning upon the ground. And there was no meat, nor could I kill aught that the sick man might eat.


"So I said (и я сказал), 'I will go to Nulato and bring thee food (я пойду в Нулато и принесу тебе пищу; to bring – приносить; приводить), also strong men to carry thee to camp (а также приведу сильных мужчин, чтобы отнести тебя в лагерь). And Kamo‑tah said, 'Go thou to Nulato and get food (иди в Нулато и принеси еду), but say no word of what has befallen me (но не говори ни слова о том, что случилось со мной; to befall – приключаться, происходить, случаться). And when I have eaten (а когда я поем), and am grown well and strong (и стану здоровым и сильным), I will kill this bear (я убью этого медведя). Then will I return in honor to Nulato (тогда я с честью вернусь в Нулато), and no man may laugh and say Kamo‑tah was undone by a bear (и никто не посмеет смеяться и говорить, что Камо‑таха погубил медведь; undone – погубленный; to undo – открывать; уничтожать /сделанное/; портить, разрушать).


food [fHd], befall [bI'fLl], honor ['Onq]


"So I said, 'I will go to Nulato and bring thee food, also strong men to carry thee to camp. And Kamo‑tah said, 'Go thou to Nulato and get food, but say no word of what has befallen me. And when I have eaten, and am grown well and strong, I will kill this bear. Then will I return in honor to Nulato, and no man may laugh and say Kamo‑tah was undone by a bear.


"So I gave heed to my brother's words (и я учел слова моего брата; to give heed to smth. – обращать внимание на что‑либо; heed – внимание, осторожность, осмотрительность); and when I was come to Nulato (и когда я пришел в Нулато), and the Russian, Ivan, laid the lash of his dog‑whip upon me (и русский, Иван, сек меня своим хлыстом), I knew I must not fight (я понял, что мне нельзя драться). For no man knew of Kamo‑tah (ибо никто не знал о Камо‑тахе), sick and groaning and hungry (больном, страдающем и голодном; to groan – стонать; страдать); and did I fight with Ivan, and die (и если бы я схватился с Иваном и умер), then would my brother die, too (мой брат умер бы тоже). So it was, Oona, that thou sawest me beaten like a dog (и вот тогда‑то ты, Уна, увидела, как меня били, как собаку; to beat – бить).


brother ['brADq], fight [faIt], beaten [bJtn]


"So I gave heed to my brother's words; and when I was come to Nulato, and the Russian, Ivan, laid the lash of his dog‑whip upon me, I knew I must not fight. For no man knew of Kamo‑tah, sick and groaning and hungry; and did I fight with Ivan, and die, then would my brother die, too. So it was, Oona, that thou sawest me beaten like a dog.


"Then I heard the talk of the shamans and chiefs (потом я услышал разговор шаманов и вождей) that the Russians had brought strange sicknesses upon the people (что русские навлекли странную болезнь на людей; to bring on – навлекать, вызывать), and killed our men, and stolen our women (и убивали наших мужчин, и уводили наших женщин; to steal – воровать, красть; похищать; отбить, увести), and that the land must be made clean (и что страну нужно очистить). As I say (как я сказал: «как я говорю»), I heard the talk (я услышал разговор), and I knew it for good talk (и я счел его хорошим разговором), and I knew that in the night the Russians were to be killed (и я понял, что ночью русские должны быть убиты). But there was my brother, Kamo‑tah (но был мой брат, Камо‑тах), sick and groaning and with no meat (больной, страдающий, и без мяса); so I could not stay and fight with the men and the boys not yet hunters (поэтому я не мог остаться и сражаться с мужчинами и мальчиками, еще не охотниками).


chief [CJf], talk [tLk], heard [hWd]


"Then I heard the talk of the shamans and chiefs that the Russians had brought strange sicknesses upon the people, and killed our men, and stolen our women, and that the land must be made clean. As I say, I heard the talk, and I knew it for good talk, and I knew that in the night the Russians were to be killed. But there was my brother, Kamo‑tah, sick and groaning and with no meat; so I could not stay and fight with the men and the boys not yet hunters.


"And I took with me meat and fish (и я взял с собой мясо и рыбу), and the lash‑marks of Ivan (и отметины от хлыста Ивана), and I found Kamo‑tah no longer groaning, but dead (и нашел Камо‑таха, который больше не стонал, а был мертв). Then I went back to Nulato (тогда я вернулся в Нулато), and, behold, there was no Nulato (и вот, не было никакого Нулато; behold – вот! смотри!; to behold – узреть; созерцать) – only ashes where the great fort had stood (только зола была там, где /раньше/ стоял большой форт), and the bodies of many men (и /лежали/ тела многих людей). And I saw the Russians come up the Yukon in boats (и я увидел, как вверх по течению Юкона поднимаются в лодках русские), fresh from the sea (только что прибывшие с моря), many Russians (много русских); and I saw Ivan creep forth from where he lay hid and make talk with them (и я увидел, как Иван выполз оттуда, где он лежал, спрятавшись, и заговорил с ними; to creep – ползать; красться; to lie – лежать; to hide – прятать/ся/). And the next day I saw Ivan lead them upon the trail of the tribe (а на следующий день я увидел, как Иван ведет их по следу племени). Even now are they upon the trail (даже сейчас они идут по следу), and I am here, Negore, but no coward (и вот я здесь, Негор, но не трус)."


dead [ded], boat [bqut], forth [fLT]


"And I took with me meat and fish, and the lash‑marks of Ivan, and I found Kamo‑tah no longer groaning, but dead. Then I went back to Nulato, and, behold, there was no Nulato – only ashes where the great fort had stood, and the bodies of many men. And I saw the Russians come up the Yukon in boats, fresh from the sea, many Russians; and I saw Ivan creep forth from where he lay hid and make talk with them. And the next day I saw Ivan lead them upon the trail of the tribe. Even now are they upon the trail, and I am here, Negore, but no coward."


"This is a tale I hear (вот это историю я слышу)," said Oona, though her voice was gentler than before (хотя ее голос стал мягче, чем прежде). "Kamo‑tah is dead and cannot speak for thee (Камо‑тах мертв и не может сказать за тебя = в твою пользу), and I know only what I know (а я знаю только то, что знаю), and I must know thee of my own eyes for no coward (и я должна увидеть собственными глазами, что ты не трус)."

Negore made an impatient gesture (Негор сделал нетерпеливый жест).

"There be ways and ways (есть /разные/ пути и средства; way – путь; способ, средство; метод)," she added (добавила она). "Art thou willing to do no less than what Old Kinoos hath done (ты хочешь сделать не меньше, чем сделал Старый Кинус)?"

He nodded his head, and waited (он кивнул головой и ждал).


though [Dqu], impatient [Im'peISqnt], gesture ['GesCq]


"This is a tale I hear," said Oona, though her voice was gentler than before. "Kamo‑tah is dead and cannot speak for thee, and I know only what I know, and I must know thee of my own eyes for no coward."

Negore made an impatient gesture.

"There be ways and ways," she added. "Art thou willing to do no less than what Old Kinoos hath done?"

He nodded his head, and waited.


"As thou hast said (как ты сказал), they seek for us even now, these Russians (эти русские ищут нас даже сейчас). Show them the way, Negore (покажи им дорогу, Негор), even as Old Kinoos showed them the way (точно так же, как показал им дорогу Старый Кинус), so that they come, unprepared (с тем чтобы они пришли неготовыми), to where we wait for them (туда, где мы будем ждать их), in a passage up the rocks (в проходе среди скал; passage – проход, перевал). Thou knowest the place (ты знаешь место), where the wall is broken and high (где неровная, высокая стена; broken – разбитый; неровный). Then will we destroy them, even Ivan (тогда мы уничтожим их, даже Ивана). When they cling like flies to the wall (когда они облепят стену, как мухи; to cling – цепляться; прилипать; крепко держаться; to cling to – прилегать, касаться), and top is no less near than bottom (а вершина будет не менее близка, чем подножие), our men shall fall upon them from above and either side (наши мужчины нападут на них сверху и с обеих сторон), with spears, and arrows, and guns (с копьями, стрелами и ружьями).


passage ['pxsIG], wall [wLl], either ['aIDq]


"As thou hast said, they seek for us even now, these Russians. Show them the way, Negore, even as Old Kinoos showed them the way, so that they come, unprepared, to where we wait for them, in a passage up the rocks. Thou knowest the place, where the wall is broken and high. Then will we destroy them, even Ivan. When they cling like flies to the wall, and top is no less near than bottom, our men shall fall upon them from above and either side, with spears, and arrows, and guns.


"And the women and children, from above (а женщины и дети сверху), shall loosen the great rocks and hurl them down upon them (раскачают большие камни и будут швырять их вниз на них; to loosen – отпускать; откреплять, разъединять; распускать). It will be a great day (это будет великий день), for the Russians will be killed (ибо русские будут убиты), the land will be made clean (страна будет очищена), and Ivan, even Ivan who thrust out my father's eyes (и Иван, даже Иван, который вырвал глаза моему отцу) and laid the lash of his dog‑whip upon thee (и выпорол тебя своим хлыстом), will be killed (будет убит). Like a dog gone mad will he die (он умрет, как бешеная собака; to go mad – взбеситься), his breath crushed out of him beneath the rocks (его жизнь будет выжата из него под камнями = камни выжмут из него жизнь; to crush out – выдавить, выжать). And when the fighting begins (а когда начнется сражение), it is for thee, Negore, to crawl secretly away (тебе, Негор, нужно скрытно уползти) so that thou be not slain (так чтобы тебя не убили: «чтобы ты не был убит»; to slay)."

"Even so (даже если так; even so – даже при этих условиях, даже в таком случае)," he answered (ответил он). "Negore will show them the way (Негор покажет им дорогу). And then (а потом)?"


loosen [lHsn], crawl [krLl], secretly ['sJkrItlI]


"And the women and children, from above, shall loosen the great rocks and hurl them down upon them. It will be a great day, for the Russians will be killed, the land will be made clean, and Ivan, even Ivan who thrust out my father's eyes and laid the lash of his dog‑whip upon thee, will be killed. Like a dog gone mad will he die, his breath crushed out of him beneath the rocks. And when the fighting begins, it is for thee, Negore, to crawl secretly away so that thou be not slain."

"Even so," he answered. "Negore will show them the way. And then?"


"And then I shall be thy woman (а потом я стану твоей женщиной), Negore's woman (женщиной Негора), the brave man's woman (женщиной храброго мужчины). And thou shalt hunt meat for me and Old Kinoos (а ты будешь охотиться за мясом для меня и Старого Кинуса), and I shall cook thy food (а я буду готовить тебе пищу), and sew thee warm parkas and strong (и шить тебе теплые и прочные парки), and make thee moccasins after the way of my people (и буду делать тебе мокасины по способу моего народа), which is a better way than thy people's way (который лучше, чем способ твоего народа). And as I say (и как я говорю), I shall be thy woman, Negore (я буду твоей женщиной, Негор), always thy woman (навеки твоей женщиной). And I shall make thy life glad for thee (и я сделаю твою жизнь счастливой ради тебя), so that all thy days will be a song and laughter (так что вся твоя жизнь будет песней и смехом = будет состоять из песен и смеха; day – день; дни жизни, жизнь), and thou wilt know the woman Oona as unlike all other women (и ты узнаешь, что женщина Уна не такая, как все другие женщины), for she has journeyed far (ибо она путешествовала далеко), and lived in strange places (и жила в удивительных/чужих краях; strange – чужой; удивительный; place – место; край), and is wise in the ways of men (и сведуща в отношении/в привычках мужчин; wise – знающий, компетентный, осведомленный, сведущий; way – путь; привычка; in the way of – в отношении чего‑либо, что касается; по части чего‑либо) and in the ways they may be made glad (и в том, как их можно сделать счастливыми/довольными). And in thine old age will she still make thee glad (и в твоей старости она все еще/по‑прежнему будет радовать тебя), and thy memory of her in the days of thy strength will be sweet (а твои воспоминания о ней в дни твоей силы будут приятны; sweet – сладкий; приятный), for thou wilt know always (ибо ты всегда будешь знать) that she was ease to thee, and peace, and rest (что она была облегчением для тебя, покоем и отдыхом), and that beyond all women to other men has she been woman to thee (и что она была тебе женщиной больше, чем все женщины другим мужчинам; beyond – за пределами; выше, сверх)."


sew [squ], laughter ['lRftq], ease [Jz]


"And then I shall be thy woman, Negore's woman, the brave man's woman. And thou shalt hunt meat for me and Old Kinoos, and I shall cook thy food, and sew thee warm parkas and strong, and make thee moccasins after the way of my people, which is a better way than thy people's way. And as I say, I shall be thy woman, Negore, always thy woman. And I shall make thy life glad for thee, so that all thy days will be a song and laughter, and thou wilt know the woman Oona as unlike all other women, for she has journeyed far, and lived in strange places, and is wise in the ways of men and in the ways they may be made glad. And in thine old age will she still make thee glad, and thy memory of her in the days of thy strength will be sweet, for thou wilt know always that she was ease to thee, and peace, and rest, and that beyond all women to other men has she been woman to thee."


"Even so (даже если так)," said Negore, and the hunger for her ate at his heart (и сильное желание к ней въелось = впилось в его сердце; hunger – сильное желание, жажда), and his arms went out for her (а его руки потянулись к ней; to go – тянуться; to go out – чувствовать влечение, симпатию; to be out for – стремиться получить) as a hungry man's arms might go out for food (как руки голодного /человека/ потянулись бы к еде).

"When thou hast shown the way, Negore (когда ты покажешь дорогу, Негор)," she chided him (пожурила она его); but her eyes were soft, and warm (но ее глаза были нежными и теплыми), and he knew (и он понял) she looked upon him as woman had never looked before (что она посмотрела на него, как никогда прежде не смотрела на него женщина).

"It is well (хорошо)", he said, turning resolutely on his heel (решительно повернувшись; to turn on one’s heels – круто повернуться /и уйти/; heel – пятка). "I go now to make talk with the chiefs (сейчас я пойду поговорю с вождями), so that they may know (чтобы они знали) I am gone to show the Russians the way (что я ушел показывать русским дорогу)."


heart [hRt], warm [wLm], resolutely ['rezqlHtlI]


"Even so," said Negore, and the hunger for her ate at his heart, and his arms went out for her as a hungry man's arms might go out for food.

"When thou hast shown the way, Negore," she chided him; but her eyes were soft, and warm, and he knew she looked upon him as woman had never looked before.

"It is well", he said, turning resolutely on his heel. "I go now to make talk with the chiefs, so that they may know I am gone to show the Russians the way."


"Oh, Negore, my man (ах, Негор, мой мужчина/муж)! my man!" she said to herself (сказала она себе), as she watched him go (наблюдая, как он уходит), but she said it so softly (но она сказала это так тихо) that even Old Kinoos did not hear (что не услышал даже Старый Кинус), and his ears were over keen, what of his blindness (а его слух был сверхтонким из‑за его слепоты).


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