Forty Mile had early crawled out of its sleeping furs and congregated near the edge of the trail (Сороковая Миля /люди Сороковой Мили/ рано выползла из‑под своих мехов для сна и столпилась около края санного пути). From this point it could view the up‑Yukon course to its first bend several miles away (с этого места можно было видеть верхнее течение Юкона до его первой излучины /на/ несколько миль вдаль). Here it could also see across the river to the finish at Fort Cudahy (здесь можно было также видеть /путь/ через реку к финишу у Форта Кьюдахи), where the Gold Recorder nervously awaited (где приисковый инспектор нервно ожидал). Joy Molineau had taken her position several rods back from the trail (Джой Молино заняла место на расстоянии нескольких десятков метров от тропы; rod – ветка, побег /на дереве/; прут; жезл; мера длины, эквивалентная пяти с половиной ярдам), and under the circumstances, the rest of Forty Mile forbore interposing itself (но при этих обстоятельствах оставшаяся Сороковая Миля /люди/ не позволила себе вклиниваться /между ней и тропой/). So the space was clear between her and the slender line of the course (таким образом, свободное пространство оставалось чистым между ней и тонкой линией пути). Fires had been built (костры были зажжены; to build – строить; to build a fire – сложить/развести костер), and around these men wagered dust and dogs, the long odds on Wolf Fang (и вокруг них эти люди держали пари на золотой песок и собак, больше всего ставили на Волчьего Клыка; odd – решающая взятка в картах).


crawl [krLl], edge [eG], nervously ['nWvqslI]


Forty Mile had early crawled out of its sleeping furs and congregated near the edge of the trail. From this point it could view the up‑Yukon course to its first bend several miles away. Here it could also see across the river to the finish at Fort Cudahy, where the Gold Recorder nervously awaited. Joy Molineau had taken her position several rods back from the trail, and under the circumstances, the rest of Forty Mile forbore interposing itself. So the space was clear between her and the slender line of the course. Fires had been built, and around these men wagered dust and dogs, the long odds on Wolf Fang.


"Here they come!" shrilled an Indian boy from the top of a pine (вот они идут! – пронзительно завизжал мальчишка‑индеец с верхушки сосны).

Up the Yukon a black speck appeared against the snow (вверху Юкона = вверх по Юкону черное пятнышко появилось на фоне снега), closely followed by a second (вплотную преследуемое вторым /пятном/). As these grew larger (по мере того как эти /пятна/ становились больше), more black specks manifested themselves (бóльшее количество черных пятнышек появлялось), but at a goodly distance to the rear (но на внушительном расстоянии от последних; rear – расположенный сзади, тыльный). Gradually they resolved themselves into dogs and sleds (мало‑помалу/постепенно они распались на собак и нарты), and men lying flat upon them (и людей, лежащих плашмя на них). "Wolf Fang leads," a lieutenant of police whispered to Joy (Волчий Клык идет первым: «ведет, лидирует», – лейтенант полиции шепнул Джой). She smiled her interest back (она выразила ему улыбкой свой интерес).


lieutenant [lef'tenqnt], closely ['klquslI], whisper ['wIspq]


"Here they come!" shrilled an Indian boy from the top of a pine.

Up the Yukon a black speck appeared against the snow, closely followed by a second. As these grew larger, more black specks manifested themselves, but at a goodly distance to the rear. Gradually they resolved themselves into dogs and sleds, and men lying flat upon them. "Wolf Fang leads," a lieutenant of police whispered to Joy. She smiled her interest back.


"Ten to one on Harrington!" cried a Birch Creek King, dragging out his sack (десять к одному за Харрингтона, – воскликнул король Березового ручья, вытаскивая свой мешочек).

"The Queen, her pay you not mooch?" queried Joy (королева, она платит вам не много? – спросила Джой).

The lieutenant shook his head (лейтенант покачал головой).

"You have some dust, ah, how mooch?" she continued (у вас есть несколько золотого песка, как много? – она продолжила).


queried ['kwIqrId], sack [sxk]


"Ten to one on Harrington!" cried a Birch Creek King, dragging out his sack.

"The Queen, her pay you not mooch?" queried Joy.

The lieutenant shook his head.

"You have some dust, ah, how mooch?" she continued.


He exposed his sack (он раскрыл свой мешочек). She gauged it with a rapid eye (она оценила/измерила его быстрым взглядом).

"Mebbe – say – two hundred, eh (может быть, скажем, две сотни, да; mebbe = may be)? Good. Now I give – what you call – the tip (сейчас я дам, как это – подсказку). Covaire the bet (принимайте это пари; to cover – покрывать)." Joy smiled inscrutably (Джой улыбнулась загадочно). The lieutenant pondered (лейтенант размышлял). He glanced up the trail (он взглянул на тропу). The two men had risen to their knees and were lashing their dogs furiously, Harrington in the lead (два человека поднялись на колени и нахлестывали своих собак яростно, Харрингтон во главе).


gauge [geIG], inscrutably [In'skrHtqblI], furiously ['fjuqrIqslI]


He exposed his sack. She gauged it with a rapid eye.

"Mebbe – say – two hundred, eh? Good. Now I give – what you call – the tip. Covaire the bet." Joy smiled inscrutably. The lieutenant pondered. He glanced up the trail. The two men had risen to their knees and were lashing their dogs furiously, Harrington in the lead.


"Ten to one on Harrington!" bawled the Birch Creek King (десять к одному за Харрингтона, – кричал/орал во всю глотку король Березового ручья), flourishing his sack in the lieutenant's face (размахивая/потрясая своим мешочком перед лицом лейтенанта).

"Covaire the bet," Joy prompted (принимайте пари, – Джой подсказала/подзадорила).

He obeyed, shrugging his shoulders in token that he yielded (он повиновался, пожимая плечами в знак того, что он уступил), not to the dictate of his reason, but to her charm (не голосу рассудка, а ее шарму/обаянию). Joy nodded to reassure him (Джой кивнула, чтобы успокоить его).

All noise ceased (весь шум прекратился). Men paused in the placing of bets (люди прекратили делать ставки).


reassure [rJq'Suq], birch [bWC], flourish ['flArIS]


"Ten to one on Harrington!" bawled the Birch Creek King, flourishing his sack in the lieutenant's face.

"Covaire the bet," Joy prompted.

He obeyed, shrugging his shoulders in token that he yielded, not to the dictate of his reason, but to her charm. Joy nodded to reassure him.

All noise ceased. Men paused in the placing of bets.


Yawing and reeling and plunging (наклонясь, и покачиваясь, и ныряя), like luggers before the wind (словно небольшие парусные судна перед ветром), the sleds swept wildly upon them (нарты мчались дико/бешено на них). Though he still kept his leader up to the tail of Harrington's sled (и хотя он еще сохранял своего лидера = ведущую собаку с хвостом упряжки Харрингтона = не отставал от упряжки), Louis Savoy's face was without hope (лицо Луи Савоя потеряло надежду = было без надежды). Harrington's mouth was set (рот Харрингтона был неподвижным: «был установленным»). He looked neither to the right nor to the left (он не смотрел ни вправо, ни влево). His dogs were leaping in perfect rhythm (его собаки скакали/бежали в прекрасном ритме), firm‑footed, close to the trail (твердо, близко к тропе = не отклоняясь от тропы), and Wolf Fang, head low and unseeing (а Волчий Клык, /опустив/ голову низко и ничего не видя), whining softly (мягко подвывая), was leading his comrades magnificently (вел своих товарищей великолепно).

Forty Mile stood breathless (Сороковая Миля затаила/остановила дыхание: «стояла бездыханно»). Not a sound, save the roar of the runners and the voice of the whips (ни звука, кроме шума участников и голоса = свиста хлыстов; roar – рев; шум).

Then the clear voice of Joy Molineau rose on the air (тогда звонкий голос Джой Молино поднялся в воздух). "Ai! Ya! Wolf Fang! Wolf Fang!"


yawing ['jLIN], though [Dqu], whip [wIp]


Yawing and reeling and plunging, like luggers before the wind, the sleds swept wildly upon them. Though he still kept his leader up to the tail of Harrington's sled, Louis Savoy's face was without hope. Harrington's mouth was set. He looked neither to the right nor to the left. His dogs were leaping in perfect rhythm, firm‑ footed, close to the trail, and Wolf Fang, head low and unseeing, whining softly, was leading his comrades magnificently.

Forty Mile stood breathless. Not a sound, save the roar of the runners and the voice of the whips.

Then the clear voice of Joy Molineau rose on the air. "Ai! Ya! Wolf Fang! Wolf Fang!"


Wolf Fang heard (Волчий Клык услышал). He left the trail sharply, heading directly for his mistress (он покинул тропу быстро, направляясь прямо к своей хозяйке). The team dashed after him, and the sled poised an instant on a single runner (упряжка ринулась за ним, и нарты балансировали мгновение на одном полозе), then shot Harrington into the snow (затем выбросили Харрингтона в снег). Savoy was by like a flash (Савой вспышкой промчался мимо; to be by – миновать). Harrington pulled to his feet and watched him skimming across the river to the Gold Recorder's (Харрингтон поднялся на ноги и смотрел /как/ он несется/скользит через реку к приисковой конторе). He could not help hearing what was said (он не мог не услышать, что было сказано).

"Ah, him do vaire well," Joy Molineau was explaining to the lieutenant (о, он идет очень хорошо, – объясняла Джой Молино лейтенанту). "Him – what you call – set the pace (он – как это говорится – установил скорость = задал темп). Yes, him set the pace vaire well."


mistress ['mIstrIs], flash [flxS], recorder [rI'kLdq]


Wolf Fang heard. He left the trail sharply, heading directly for his mistress. The team dashed after him, and the sled poised an instant on a single runner, then shot Harrington into the snow. Savoy was by like a flash. Harrington pulled to his feet and watched him skimming across the river to the Gold Recorder's. He could not help hearing what was said.

"Ah, him do vaire well," Joy Molineau was explaining to the lieutenant. "Him – what you call – set the pace. Yes, him set the pace vaire well."



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