International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

1. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, also known as the World Bank, is
registered to be a specialized United Nations Agency established at the Bretton Woods Confer­
ence in 1944. A related institution. International Monetary Fund (IMF), was created at the same
time. The chief objectives of the Bank, as stated in the articles of agreement, are to assist in the
reconstruction and development of territories of members by facilitating the investment of capital
or productive purposes. It is also aimed to promote private foreign investment by means of guar­antees or participation in loans and to supplement private investment by providing, on suitable
conditions, finance for productive purposes out of its own capital. The Bank grants loans only to
member nations, for the purpose of financing specific projects.

2. Before a nation secures a loan, advisers and experts representing the Bank will have to deter-
mine that the prospective borrower can meet conditions stipulated by the Bank. Most of these condi -
tions are designed to ensure that loans will be used productively and that they will be repaid. The
Bank requires the borrower be unable to secure a loan for the particular project from any other source
on reasonable terms and the prospective project be technically feasible and economically sound. To
ensure repayment, member governments must guarantee loans having been made to private con-
cerns within their territories. Having made the loan, the Bank requires periodic reports both from the
borrower and from its own observers on the use of the loan and on the progress of the project.

3. In the early period of (he World Bank's existence, loans were granted chiefly to European
countries and were used for the reconstruction of industries damaged or destroyed during World
War II. Since the late 1960s, however, most loans have been granted to economically developing
countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The Bank gave particular attention to projects direct-
ly benefiting the poorest people in developing nations by helping them to raise their productivity,
The World Bank will provide loans, if they want to gain access to such necessities as safe water and
waste-disposal facilities, health care, family-planning assistance, nutrition, education, and hous-
ing. Direct involvement of the poorest people in economic activity was being promoted by provid-
ing loans for agriculture and rural development, small-scale enterprises, and urban development.

4. World Bank funds are provided primarily by purchase of capital shares, the minimum number
of shares to be subscribed according to the relative strength of its national economy. Not all the funds
subscribed arc immediately available to the Bank; only about 8.5 percent of the capital subscription of each member nation actually is paid into the bank. The remainder will have to be deposited only if,

and to the extent that, the Bank calls for the money in order to pay its own obligations to creditors. There has never been a need to call in capital. The Bank's working funds are derived from sales of il interest-bearing bonds and notes in capital markets of the world, from repayment of earlier loans, and from profits on its own operations. It has earned profits every year since 1947.

5. All powers of the Bank are vested in a board of governors, comprising one governor appoint-
ed by each member nation. The board meets at least once annually. The governors delegate most
of their powers to 21 executive directors to meet regularly at the central headquarters of the Bank
in Washington, D.C. After appointing five of the executive directors by the five member states
holding the largest number of capital shares in the Bank, the remaining 16 directors are elected by
the goverrnors from the other member nations and serve 2-year terms. On electing the executive
directors for a 5-year term, they choose the president of the World Bank, who must be neither a
governor nor a director.

6. The World Bank has been heavily criticized in recent years for its considerable wrongdoing,
i.e. poor performance in development economics, especially with regard to the social and environ-
mental consequences of the projects it supported in Third World countries. However, it is arguable
that it is less at fault than many of the corrupt or incompetent regimes whose schemes it is called
on to fund. In any case, in spite of diminishing the bank's role in profitable projects of developing
countries with the vast influx of private capital, such social spheres as health, education, and other
fields remain in need of an institution such as the World Bank.

2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов.

1. То ensure repayment, member governments must guarantee loans having been made
to private concerns within their territories.

2. Having made the loan, the bank requires periodic reports both from the borrower and
from its own observers on the use of the loan and on the progress of the project.

3. World Bank funds are provided primarily by purchase of capital shares, the minimum
number of shares being subscribed according to the relative strength of its national economy.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
Помните, что объектный, именительный и абсолютный инфинитивный обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, also known as the World Bank
is registered to be a specialized United Nations agency established at the Bretton Woods
Conference in 1944.

2. Most of these conditions are designed to ensure that loans will be used productively
and that they will be repaid.

3. The Bank requires the borrower be unable to secure a loan for the particular project
from any other source on reasonable terms and the prospective project be technically
feasible and economically sound.

4. The governors delegate most of their powers to 21 executive directors to meet regularly
at the central headquarters of the bank in Washington, D.C.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод обстоятельственных предложений условия и времени.

1. Before a nation secures a loan, advisers and experts representing the Bank will have to
determine that the prospective borrower can meet conditions stipulated by the bank.

2. The World Bank will provide loans, if they want to gain access to such necessities as
safe water and waste-disposal facilities, health care, family-planning assistance, nutrition,
education, and housing.

3. The remainder will have to be deposited only if, and to the extent that the Bank calls for the money in order to pay its own obligations to creditors.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие герундий. Обратите внимание на функцию герундия в предложении.

1. After appointing five of the executive directors by the five member states holding the
largest number of capital shares in the Bank, the remaining 16 directors are elected by
the governors from the other member nations and serve 2-year terms.

2. On electing the executive directors for a 5-year term, they choose the president of the
World Bank, who must be neither a governor nor a director.

3. The World Bank has been heavily criticized in recent years for its considerable
wrongdoing, i.e. poor performance in development economics, especially with regard to
the social and environmental consequences of the projects it supported in Third World countries.

4. In any case, in spite of diminishing the Bank's role in profitable projects of developing
countries with the vast influx of private capital, such social spheres as health, education,
and other fields remain in need of an institution such as the World Bank.


I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.

Words and Expressions

promotional tool


promotional budget

restrictions on

low wages

to hire a large sales-force

less developed nation


administration of sales force

similar to







more of a challenge abroad

low esteem

reluctance to talk to strangers

prospective sales representative


titles and perquisites

financial rewards

wholly owned subsidiary



механизм стимулирования продажи

на внутреннем рынке

расходы по стимулированию сбыта товаров

ограничения на

низкая заработная плата

нанимать на работу больше рабочей силы

менее развитая страна

связанный культурными традициями

руководство, управление рабочей силой

подобный, аналогичный, схожий с

набор, привлечение на работу



мотивирующий фактор, стимуляция

надзор, контроль, инспектирование

охват, вовлечение

более сложная задача за границей

малоуважительная атмосфера

нежелание общаться с незнакомцами

предполагаемый, потенциальный покупатель


звания и дополнительные приработки


филиал,подразделение, дочерняя фирма

находящееся в единоличном владении

расчетная палата



International Marketing

1. The International Marketing Manager has a three-fold responsibility: international marketing — marketing across national boundaries; foreign marketing — marketing within foreign countries; and multinational marketing — co-ordinating marketing in multiple markets. Marketing being defined in several ways, broadly we may define it as the collection of activities undertaken by the firm to relate profitability to its market. Marketing involves all of these activities: market intelligence, product planning and development, buying, storage, selling, crediting, pricing, traf­fic, distribution, advertising, promotion and marketing research.

2. Marketing management is the planning and co-ordination of these activities in order to
achieve a successful, integrated marketing program, international marketing to be defined as the
performance of one or more of these activities across national boundaries. The activities and goals
of international marketing are the same as those of domestic marketing, implementation of the
firm's marketing programs having been considered very different. That is, managing international
marketing can be significantly different from managing domestic marketing. If one tries to define
personal selling as the major promotional tool, it will appear to be even more important in interna­-
tional marketing than domestically.

3. Personal Selling is commonly known to take a greater percentage of the promotional bud­-
get abroad than at home. There may be two reasons for this: restrictions on advertising and media
availability will limit the amount of advertising the firm can do, and low wages in many countries
allow the company to hire a larger sales force. This second reason will be especially applicable
when personal selling takes place in less developed nations. Personal selling involves personal
contact and is more culture-bound than impersonal advertising. That is why personal selling in the
linn's foreign markets cannot really be considered international personal selling, to be compared
with international campaigns and international media in discussing advertising. So, personal sell­-
ing is national, not international.

4. The role of personal selling having been decided, the actual administration of the sales force
in a market will be similar to that in the home market. The same general functions must be per-­
formed: recruitment, selection, training, motivation, supervision, and compensation. Training of
salespeople is done primarily in the national market. The demands of the job and the previous
preparation of the sales force will determine the nature of the training program. Indeed, if motiva­-
tion and compensation of the sales force are closely related, attractive compensation will be often
the chief motivator.

5. Motivation can be more of a challenge abroad than at home for two reasons: the low esteem
in which selling is held, and the cultural reluctance of prospective sales representatives to talk to
strangers. On defining these two essential elements of selling, the firm must try to overcome this
handicap, especially in countries where selling has low status. Training, titles, perquisites, and
special recognition of salesperson's self-image are all helpful. The licensee's or distributor's sales
force is important in making the quality of sales force a major criterion in choosing the distributor.

6. In joint ventures the international marketer may have a small or a big voice in selling, de­-
pending on the capabilities of both partner. The greater the control given to the international firm
in the marketing of the joint venture, the more the situation resembles that of a wholly owned
subsidiary. The less the control, the more the situation resembles that in a licensing or distributor
agreement. With sales force management being largely decentralised, personal selling is related
to the peculiarities of the local market. Nevertheless, international marketers should play some
role. On contributing expertise in every aspect of sales force management — recruitment, selec­-
tion, training, motivation, compensation and evaluation, — they serve as the clearinghouse bet­-
ween domestic and foreign operations, and among the foreign markets themselves.

2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) при­частных оборотов.

1. Marketing being defined in several ways, broadly we may define it as the collection of
activities undertaken by the firm to relate profitability to its market.

2. The activities and goals of international marketing are the same as those of domestic
marketing, implementation of the firm's marketing programs having been considered very

3. The role of personal selling having been decided, the actual administration of the sales
force in a market will be similar to that in the home market.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный, именительный и абсолютный инфинитивный обороты соответствуюm придаточным предложениям.

1. Marketing management is the planning and co-ordination of these activities in order to
achieve a successful, integrated marketing program, international marketing to be defined
as the performance of one or more of these activities across national boundaries.

2. Personal selling is commonly known to take a greater percentage of the promotional
budget abroad than at home.

3. That is why personal selling in the firm's foreign markets cannot really be considered
international personal selling, to be compared with international campaigns and
international media in discussing advertising.

4. Motivation can be more of a challenge abroad than at home for two reasons: the low
esteem in which selling is held, and the cultural reluctance of prospective sales
representatives to talk to strangers.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод обстоятельственных предложений условия и времени.

1. If one tries to define personal selling as the major promotional tool, it will appear to be
even more important in international marketing than domestically.

2. This second reason will be especially applicable when personal selling takes place in
less developed nations.

3. Indeed, if motivation and compensation of the sales force are closely related, attractive
compensation will be often the chief motivator.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие герундий. Обратите внимание на функцию герундия в предложении.

1. Training of salespeople is done primarily in the national market.

2. On defining these two essential elements of selling, the firm must try to overcome this
handicap, especially in countries where selling has low status.

3. The licensee's or distributor's sales force is important in making the quality of sales
force a major criterion in choosing the distributor.

4. On contributing expertise in every aspect of sales force management — recruitment,
selection, training, motivation, compensation and evaluation, — they serve as the
clearinghouse between domestic and foreign operations, and among the foreign markets



1. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.

Words and Expressions

to gain a foothold

to become a usual occurence

joint enterprise

adherence to


ecologically sound

well drilling and repair

stepping up output

mutually advantageous


upgrading of


production technology


стать привычным делом

совместное предприятие

строгое соблюдение


экологически обоснованный

бурение и ремонт скважин

повышение продуктивности

взаимовыгодные инвестиции


технология добычи

open-ended joint stock company

production rales

joint-stock company

inaccessible area

secondary production

immersion hydraulic piston pump

equipment for gas lifting

he Senoman stratum

increased oil yield

production index

hydrocarbon extraction

to ensure high standards of

environmental protection

health protection

security for the personnel

ejector know-how

low-pressure gases

per annum

consumer goods


light hydrocarbons

акционерное общество oткрытого типа

коэффициенты добычи

акционерное общество

труднодоступный район

вторичная добыча

погружной гидравлический поршневой насос

оборудование для газлифтинга

Сеноманский ярус

повышение добычи нефти

показатель продуктивности скважины

добыча, извлечение углеводородов

обеспечить высокий уровень

охрана окружающей среды


техника безопасности для персонала

эжекторные технологии

газы низкого давления

в год, ежегодно

товары народного потребления


легкие углеводороды


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