Cod. Justin. Cod. Theodos. Coll. Avell.

Cons. Italica


Cyril of Scylhopolis

Dio Cassius


Eugippius. Vita Sev.


Expositio FIR



Acta Sanctorum

Agathias. Histories, ed. L. Dindorf; Historic! GraeciMinores, vol. II. (Leipzig, 1871)

Ammianus Marcellinus, ed. С U. Clark. 2 vols. (Berlin, 1910, 1915). Anthologia Latina / Ed. A. Riese. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1894, 1926) Augustine. Epistulae // CSEL. Vols. 34, 44, 57 Julius Caesar. Bellum Gallicum / Ed. R. du Pontet (Oxford, 1900) Cassiodorus. Variae MGH (AA), vol. XII

Chronica Minora, ed. T. Mommsen, MGH (AA), vols. IX, X, XII (также часто обозначаются как I, II, III). Эта работа включает в себя the Chronica Caesaraugustana (Chron. Caesaraug.), а также Chronicle of A.D. 452 (Chron. Gall, a. CCCCLII), the Chronicle of 511 (Chron. a. DXI), as well as the Fasti Vindobonenses Priores и Хроники Гидация, Исидора и Мария Авентикского. Corpus Inseriptionum Latinarum, vols. I-XVI (Berlin, 1861 ff.) Claudian, Poems, ed. with transl. M. Platnauer (London, 1922) Codicis Euriciani Fragmenta, MGH (Leges), vol. I, 1, 3-32, том, который включает также законы везеготов Law Code of the Emperor Justinian (527-565), ed. R. Schoell and W. Kroll. 3 vols. (Berlin, 1895), including the Digest in vol. I Law Code of the Emperor Theodosius II published in 438, ed. Mommsen and Meyer (Berlin, 1905)

Epistulae Imperatorum Pontificum aliorum Avellana quae dicitur collectio in CSEL, vol. XXXV Consularia Italica in Chron. Min., vol. I Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum Cyril of Scylhopolis, ed. E. Schwartz (Leipzig, 1939) Dio Cassius Historia Romana, ed. U. P. Boissevain (Berlin, 1895) Ennodius, ed. G. Hartel (Vienna, 1882)

Eugippius. Vita S. Severini, ed. P. Knoell, CSEL, vol. IX (Vienna, 1886); и by H. Sauppe, MGH (AA), vol. 1,1-30 (Berlin, 1879), but the best edi­tion is that of R. Noll (Berlin, 1963) with German translation and notes Eunapius. Historical fragments, ed. L. Dindorf, Historici Graeci Minores (Leipzig, 1870)

Expositio Totius Mundi et Gentium, ed. J. Rouge (Paris, 1966) Fontes Iuris Romanae Ante-Iustinianae, ed. S. Riccobono and others, 3 vols. (Florence, 1940-1943)


Gildas. de Excidio —


Greg. Tur. HF

Herodian, Hist. Hilarus (Pope Hilary). Ep. Hydatius


Isidore. Etym. Isidore. Hist. Goth., Hist. Vand., Hist. Sueb. Jerome, Epp. Jo. Biclar. John ofAntioch

John ofEphesus Jordanes. Get. and Rom. Legg Burg. Legg Visig. Libanius

Liber Pontificalis John Malalas Malchus Marcellinus and Marcellinus Auct. Marias Aventic.


Notitia Dignitatum — Olympiodorus of Thebes Orientius

Orosius. Hist. Panegyrici Latini Patrick, Saint Paulinus, Euch. Paulus Diaconus. Hist. Langob. Peter the Patrician Philostorgius Priscus

Procopius, BG, BP, BV, Anecd.

Fredegarius, the relevant parts of his Chronicle are ed. with transl.

J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Fourth Book oj the Chronicle of Fredegar


Gildas. MGH (AA), vol. XIII, 15-85; also ed. II. Williams, 2 parts

(London, 1899)

Gregory of Tours. Historia Francorum, ed. B. Krusch and W. Levison,

MGH Scr. rer. Merov., vol. I, part I (Hannover, 1951)

Herodian. Histories, ed. L. Mendelssohn (Leipzig, 1883)

Hilarus. Epistoes, ed. A. Thiel, Epislulae Romanorum Pontificum

(Braunsberg, 1867), 127-170

Hydatius. Chronicle, MGH (AA), vol. XI, 13-36, and ed. A. Tranoy,

Hydace: chronique, Sources chretiennes, vol. 218 (Paris, 1974)

Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, ed. H. Dessau, 3 vols. (reprinted

Berlin, 1954)

Isidore. Etymologiae, ed. W. Lindsay (Oxford, 1911)

Isi,lt>,v. Histories of the Goths, Vandals, Sueves, MGH (AA), vol. XI,


Jerome. CSEL, vols. LIV-V1

John ofBiclarum. Chronicle, MGH (AA), vol. XI, 211-220

John ofAntioch, fragments of the Histories in С Miiller, Fragmenta

Historicorum Graecorum (FHG), vol. IV, 538ff., vol. V, 27ff.

John ofEphesus, transl. R. Payne Smith (Oxford, 1860)

Jordanes. Gothic and Roman History, MGH (AA), Vol. V

Leges Burgundionum, MGH (Leges), vol. I, 2, 36ff

Leges Visigothorum, MGH (Leges), vol. I

Libanius, ed. R. Foerster (Leipzig, 1903-1922)

Liber Pontificalis MGH (Gest. Pont. Rom.)

John Malalas, Chronographia, ed. L. Dindorf (Bonn, 1831)

Malchus, ed. L. Dindorf, Historici Graeci Minores, vol. I (Leipzig, 1870)

Marcellinus Chronicle, MGH (AA), vol. XI, 60-104

Marius of Aventicum (Avenches in Switzerland), Chronicle, MGH (AA), vol. XI, 225-239

Merobaudes, ed. F. M. Clover, Transactions of the American Philo­sophical Society, new series, vol. 61, part I (Philadelphia, 1971) Notitia Dignitatum, ed. O. Seeck (Berlin, 1876) Olympiodorus of Thebes, ed. L. Dindorf. See Malchus

Orienti Commonitorium, ed. R. Ellis, Poetae Christiani Minores

(Vienna, 1888), 205-243. The volume also contains Paulinus of Pella,

Eucharisticon, 289-314

Orosius. Historia adversus Paganos, ed. G. Zangemeister (Leipzig, 1882)

Panegyrici Latini ed. E. Galletier (Paris, 1949ff.)

Patrick, ed. L. Bieler, 2 vols. (Dublin, 1952)

см. Orientius

Paulus Diaconus. Historia Langobardorum, ed. G. Waitz (Hannover,


Peter the Patrician, ed. L. Dindorf. See Malchus

Philostorgius. Historia Ecclesiaslica, ed. J. Bidez (Berlin, 1913)

Priscus. Fragments, ed. L. Dindorf. See Malchus

Procopius, Bellum Gothicum, Bellum Persicum, Bellum Vandalicum,

Anecdota, ed. J. Haury (Leipzig, 1905ff.)


Список сокразщений



Jones JRS Ma en с hen -Helf en Mansi MGH
Migne. PG Migne. PL Mommsen. Ges. Schr.-P.-W. Reinhart Schiiferdiek Schmidt Ostgermanen- Schmidt. Wandalen - Schmidt. Westgermanen Seeck. Untergang Stein Thompson. EG Thompson. GS Thompson. VTU Tranoy Vives Wallace-Hadrill. Barbarian West Wallace-Hadrill. Kings




Rutilius NamatianusSalvian. De. Cub. DeiSldonius. Carm.

Simplicius. Pope, Ep. —

Socrates. Hist. Eccles. — Sozomen


Suidas (or Suda)


Tacitus. A, G, H


Theodoret Theophanes Theophylactus Simocatta Velleius Paterculus

Victor Tonnennensis Victor Vitensis


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